
Tag: _VV Brooklyn

Vegan Treats Now in Bay Ridge

This handwritten sign caught my eye as I hobbled along 3rd avenue with my laundry bag. Yes, Paneantico Bakery enthusiastically announcing vegan pastry options. After hobbling back without my laundry bag, I discover they now carry Vegan Treats goodies. So I had to partake! I love me a real bakery Read more…

Thee Best Park Mor in New York City πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­

A recent “Favorite Thing,” Park Mor (or sometimes called Thai Crepe) has long held a special place in my food heart. The Thai street food I gobbled up while abroad is not often offered on Thai menus here in The States, as I may have mentioned before. So when I Read more…

You’ve Lost That Summer Feeling {Pictorial}

Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 8

No more pencils, no more books… oh wait! We haven’t used either since March! Though I have enjoyed seeing my students’ ceilings in our Google Meets, the school year is ending on a rather anti-climactic fashion. A trip to my school to pick up some curriculum planning stuff for summer Read more…

Green-Wood Break

Since I returned to my school briefly of course I had to visit Green-Wood Cemetery. And yet again I saw some things I had never seen before! After all my visits I am still quite sure there are paths I have never walked down… things I have yet to admire. Read more…

⛴️ Lost On My Ferry Way

Since the NYC Ferry landing is along my daily walk, I always get the idea of hopping on. So on this gorgeous day I followed through! Taking the ferry all the way up to the Bronx… seeing views of all five of New York City’s boroughs. Take a look at Read more…

Parks & Rec: Brooklyn
Calvert Vaux Park

The longest suspension bridge in the world at the time of its construction, the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge’s anchorages dig into 115 feet of the Earth. That excavated soil and sand helped to create Brooklyn’s Calvert Vaux Park, the latest park in my exploration series. With a nice view of the bridge Read more…

Discovery at Green-Wood Cemetery

An afternoon at Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery would bring new discoveries, even more reasons to love its grounds. And since I’ve been carless for 11 days , I walked there from my apartment… just to see how long it would take. It was an easy walk that I’ll likely do again! Read more…

Abandoned Red Hook Grain Terminal 🌾
The Magnificent Mistake

This place has been a bit of mission for me. The old Red Hook Grain Terminal–a massive 12-story grain elevator with fifty-four silos 120-feet up in the air. Intrepid explorers have made it in… but trespassing arrests are rumored to be enforced. With the days of easier access seemingly gone, Read more…

Parks & Rec: Brooklyn
Erie Basin Park

The Erie Basin Park undoubtedly came along soon after Ikea reared its head on the Red Hook water front. Part shipyard museum, part park with fantastic views, the space made for interesting roaming. With lots artifacts from its former life as a shipyard, inventive water front seating and landscaping, along Read more…

Parks & Rec: Brooklyn
Narrows Botanical Gardens

I walked to Bay Ridge’s Narrows Botanical Gardens for the third day in a row. But this time I planned to sit and write a poem. Setting my intention seemed like a plan I had with another. Like when I go to bed to hear the thunder from under the Read more…

Parks & Rec: Brooklyn
Owl’s Head Park

Owl’s Neck Park has some great looking trees. And when you’re cooped up inside and feeling humdrum, it’s nice to be able to appreciate a tree–a tall and mighty tree that reaches continuously. It grows not by discernible leaps but gradually everyday, stretching to both to the sky and in Read more…

Parks & Rec: Brooklyn
Bush Terminal Park

What a time to explore the 5 boroughs’ many parks! Starting with those bike-able from my place in Brooklyn. Bush Terminal Park in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park in a nice respite from the area’s bustling industrial pockets. Its impressive waterfront views extend the park’s beauty past the Bay Ridge Channel and Read more…

Brooklyn Roaming
Abandoned, Far & Few Between

With gorgeous weather bringing me out on my bike, I explored Brooklyn’s edges to uncover abandoned spaces in the heavily developed borough. I decided this would be a bit of an ongoing quest, so stay tuned for other after-work bike adventures. Today, some glorious rust and a peek into an Read more…

Walking On, Walking On Broken Glass
Dead Horse Bay Beach, Brooklyn

Ah, the shores around old landfills! It’s like going to the beach and going antiquing simultaneously. And like going to the beach & exploring an abandoned hospital, or going to abandoned hangars or military forts (here and here), it’s Gateway Recreation Area–a guaranteed wonderful afternoon on so many levels. Today, Read more…

Under the Pink 🌸
GreenWoods Cherry Blossoms

On my to-do list this afternoon: Lay under a Cherry Blossom tree. βœ… And if it’s on my list, it’s going to get done. Until I get myself to Japan for Hanami (on my list, so.. you know), I will run to Green-Wood annually when the cherry blossoms are in Read more…

Scenes From a Quarantine, Part 3

Though I was first feeling like this about the drastic shift in my work duties… …I’m feeling better now. Routines have been created and there’s no dress code, though I rocked the tutu yet again to make some example pictures for my students who I was assigning a homebound version Read more…

Green-Wood Trees

I took a bike ride to see the flowering trees at Green-Wood. The ride was rough as I am totally lacking in cardiovascular endurance. But boy was I thankful for my lung capacity, the strength in my legs, my health in general–my ability to put something on my list of Read more…

Scenes From a Quarantine, Part 2

The “Z” from my classroom has hung in all my official teaching spaces. So now it is on my apartment door. I can’t wait until it is back in room 329A. That time of the month. The time when Vegancuts send me a care package. Even more welcome in a Read more…


As I attempt to become remote teaching expert in 30 seconds, I decided I would also attempt to remotely teach my after school crafting club! I assigned my first assignment… to capture a piece of “Your Brooklyn.” So I went out to capture mine–my bridge. I was so pleased to Read more…

Long Time, No Green-Wood

It’s been a while since I visited one of my favorite places in Brooklyn, Green-Wood Cemetery. Come to think of it, I haven’t really been hitting any cemeteries as of late and time did not allow a visit to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on my LA trip. I miss graving! Read more…

πŸ€ Vegan Options at Brooklyn’s Barclay Center πŸ€
2020 Report

Wanting to keep up my vegan reporting in sports arenas, it was a mid-week Brooklyn Nets game! Having scored special seats many moons ago for my last report, this 2020 reports on any and all veg I can find in the arena’s standard seating sections. But first, a brew down Read more…

L❀️ve All, Feed All
Vegan Options at Pizzeria Uno

This is Pizzeria Uno‘s new philosophy… and that means I have a reason to stop by. That and they sent me a coupon. And it’s just down the block. And my friend wanted to join me. Ok, ok! It’s the vegan options! I’d go to hell if they have vegan Read more…

Simply Sweet in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn

File under “vegan” popping up all over the place: Simply Sweet organic, raw, vegan desserts on Avenue U in Brooklyn’s Sheepshead Bay. And yes, it says all that on the sign. Close-ish to my first place in Brooklyn back in 2002, I was excited to see an all-vegan option dedicated Read more…

Queens Cemetery Belt, Part 2

For my return to Queens’ Cemetery Belt, a couple of Jewish cemeteries for a change. Compared to the dramatic often grandiose funerary art within Christian cemeteries, customs differ greatly in Jewish burials, including unadorned graves that are simple in decoration. Considering, there were some strays from tradition to photograph. Specifically, Read more…

A Vegan Fried Chicken Champion is crowned!
Superiority Burger πŸ₯ŠvsπŸ₯Š Renegades of Sunset

It is here! The end of my Vegan Fried Chicken Battle! Having started this showdown in June of 2019, I am so pleased to have finally arrived at this final battle with the true best of the bests facing off. From the start, these two contenders have been consistently impressive. Read more…