Scenes From a Quarantine, Part 3

Though I was first feeling like this about the drastic shift in my work duties…

…I’m feeling better now. Routines have been created and there’s no dress code, though I rocked the tutu yet again to make some example pictures for my students who I was assigning a homebound version of this 10 Minute Photo Challenge to.

I am so happy to be in my own space and to be on my own. In fact, when I do get a visitor, I get really anxious about it. It’s just such a weird time. Ah but thank goodness I have the radio. With WNYC playing it’s like hanging out with someone smart and inspiring. And I don’t have to talk at all. I just get to absorb and channel it to soothe my mind. And create. Something different everyday.

It has been important for me to continue to get out while I’m still allowed to. I don’t go near anybody… and I don’t want to. But that is how I usually feel. I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel. A great solitary activity: Bike rides! (see that Pee Wee tie-in?) And bike rides within the onset of Spring are dreamy.

Stranger Things, season 1 and 2 only, fulfills a range of emotional requirements and allows me to channel catharsis. It’s all about Hopper.

I’m listening to more of my vinyl too. Great soundtrack to one of my all-time favorite movies. Maybe I’ll watch it for the thousandth time?

Trying new means of social outreach has been interesting. And it’s definitely been convenient! This is the same wine as above. I am not a good wino, though I am quite certain quarantining will create some addicts, alcoholics, divorces and pregnancies. Good times. But not everyone is amused. πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‘πŸ€ͺ

File under “other ways of socially connecting,” my millennial co-workers got me on Evil Apples and it makes me giggle.

Then there is this! All the things I don’t like about shows in my old age are now obsolete. I can see ma girl in my robe. Yes, the blue one I wear all day everyday… except for my photo missions and when I have a tutu on.

So let’s talk food—Lunch on the porch and saying hello to passersby’s. Feels like a small town now.

A day in drinks: water, coffee, seltzer, wine, then water again. Each mark the passing of a day as other indicators might have in the outside world.

Roasted goodies. I have been making so much food.

A trip to the grocery store was stressful. I didn’t know the rules and everybody made me cringe.

Thankfully my Misfits box was packed with produce to tinker with.

And The Greek has been picking up goodies for me from the Park Slope Food Coop. Though I am so grateful, I am uneasy when he comes! As is he to be here. But like, look at that receipt! Ok, byeeeee.

Some things I’ve been eating… I foolishly put a ton of veggies in my slow cooker and essentially wasted them all… over-cooking them to terrible texture and drastically diminishing their nutritional content. But I drained and ground them all the make… a kind of… meatloaf. I feel like I am on Chopped!

Not a bad meal–my focaccia, sautΓ©ed kale, mashed potato which I mashed with all the leftover cashew sour cream from my nachos last week, and the pan-seared meatloaf.

The best avocado toast in town… on my couch.

And because it’s a good hair day, I want the world to see! #bluerobe

Be safe. And help others be safe. There’s a lot of beautiful things happening in the world right now, alongside all of this horror.