
Category: Music

Overnight in Memphis, Tennessee

Where in the world am I? With a workplace up in the sky, sometimes I forget the where and the when. It’s an occupational hazard… But today, I’m in Memphis! And here are some pictures from my quick stay. Like other cities in Tennessee, Memphis is a musical place: Al Read more…

Marge’s Lakeside Inn
Seabreeze, Rochester

Marge’s Lakeside Inn is a bit of an area institution. The kind that doesn’t need a website or Instagram. A timeless place that exudes nostalgia… nostalgia of a time I caught the tail end of, thankfully. We stopped in for a drink after being lulled by the u2 cover band Read more…

Rockin’ at the St. George Theater
Staten Island

When I was a little girl of 9 or 10, I used to sneak out of bed to watch Headbangers Ball. My early crushes had long hair. I poured over Metal Edge magazine, hanging assorted men to cover my flowered wallpaper. I wished I was old enough to go to Read more…

Vegan Victuals Goes to Spain 🇪🇸
Baile! Flamenco at Torres Bermejas, Madrid

A Flamenco performance was a must for me while in Spain.  An art form whose pallet is the human form, this interpretive dance found its way to Spain through from the 9th and 14th century migrations of Romani.  Steeped in the cultural influence of the Gitanos (the Andalusian gypsies of Read more…

Not Fade Away
Buddy Holly & Lubbock, Texas

After visiting the heartbreaking crash site in Iowa in 2016, I wanted to see the hometown of the late Buddy Holly while passing through the area. To follow, Buddy-related sights to honor this special musician. At the Buddy Holly Center… closed at the time of my visit The J.I. Allison Read more…

I know there’s a Full Moon every night
It’s just not always bright 🌒

Another edition of Moon inspiration for the archive. I was excited to do a moon shoot tonight to capture the full Snow Moon, but it may be cloudy… So! Some practice for an impending Phase Two endeavor… vintage photoshoots. Today I would be incorporating a few things I’ll need practice: Read more…

𝕾𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓 Made Me Do It 😈
Bushwick’s 𝕾𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓 Rising & The Satantic Panic

I don’t know how it is possible after years and years of blogging that I don’t have more 𝕾𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓 puns on here! In fact the only one I could find was a two-sentence post that was referencing The White Stripes album… in 2007. So now, a post totally dedicated to Read more…

Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 12

I’ve learned that quarantining when you really had close contact with someone who is confirmed positive for Covid-19 is very different than sitting within a “courtesy” quarantine. This post contains scenes from my post-Utah courtesy quarantine, a brief stint of freedom after testing negative within that quarantine, returning back to Read more…

Get Out, Get Under The Moon

Because it looks like rain a-coming for the actual full moon, I happened to catch it in the phase of Almost. To follow, a random collection of moonspiration I had building up, along with the shots from my telephoto lens. This is the best I can do with my equipment… Read more…

Finally, A Halloween Wreath…
And, Randomly, Will Oldham

As you may recall, I’ve made lots of holiday wreaths with my hot glue gun. But not my favorite holiday: Halloween. I began a craft stash for this purpose. These yucky limbs were lying about my apartment for months as I waited for fake cucarachas from China to arrive, subconsciously Read more…

Scenes From a Quarantine, Part 4

I decided I’d take my accordion out in quarantine and try to learn how to play it. Of course I had to put on my German dirndl… because that is the closest region of garb I have, though it’s way off. Things: I need to replace the leather shoulder straps Read more…

Mid-March Photo Purge & Related Rambling

With this year’s Pi π Day not falling on a school day, this middle school math teacher was not motivated to make a pie, my least favorite sweet treat to eat. It also took an alarm and early morning door bust to manage to grab one of the last things Read more…

Dreamland Roller Rink 🦄

Dreamland Roller Rink is a pop-up roller skating rink in Brooklyn that hosts some pretty amazing themed nights. But my silly heart skipped a beat when I saw that there would be a 90’s Grunge vs. 80’s Hair Metal Night… when my fellow hair metal kid/90’s young adult side kick Read more…

More Angel Hunting in the 5 Boroughs (Brooklyn) Angel Olsen

More Angel Hunting in the 5 Boroughs (Brooklyn) Angel Olsen" >

I’m getting a jump on my angel hunting, beginning with Angel Olsen at Brooklyn Steel last night, opening up a broader interpretation of this I’ve decided annual series. It is hard to resist. I am extremely choosy with who I see live these days. If you would tell the teenager Read more…

While You Were Sleeping

I’m taking it back to 2007 for this title reference because it ties into my lunch for the week in two ways. A beautiful adult lullaby by Anthony “Psycho” Perkins’ son, Elvis Perkins who sings of all the magical activity inside the overnight, like my crockpot making the first batch Read more…

Last Day Stuff.
Day 6 in Texas

Zucchini Kill, You Really Had To Be There Zucchini Kill is likely thee best name for a vegan bakery. I was so excited about checking it out that I bought some merch, just like going to shows back in the day.  A shirt, stickers, a button… and of course a Read more…

The Best Stuff is Old Stuff {98% Pictorial}

Old mix tapes. I took pride in naming my mixes. I had an original Jedi kid’s costume in my storage stash. And it fits. (Plus, looseleaf socks!) Remnants from the Pacific Northwest, when you could smoke in the bars. Lite Brite in my classroom, which the kids love playing with. Read more…

Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space [Meringues]

Looking back in my blog archives, J. Spaceman and his Spiritualized has served as my muse several times. And I am going to use him again for this foray into food coloring, partly because I’m finally able to listen to him again and partly because the trend of “galaxy” foods Read more…

I Blame the Moon.

I happened to catch her on the way out the door to work.  She lit up my street, making herself impossible to ignore.  So I took a terribly rushed picture of her: Bella Luna.  Pretty and dangerous actually.  The Hunter’s Moon or, in the Zodiac, The Taurus Moon has a Read more…


My angel on Earth’s birthday requires a very special vegan cake.  A cake I haven’t tried to make for like 10 years… the elusive, the delicate, the delicious… Angel Food Cake.  Yes, I’ve only attempted it once and it resulted in: failure.  So before the real day of celebration, here Read more…

But don’t you worry
All those dainty and dirty emotions
Just go away and fade out on their own.

I am supposed to be lesson planning, but I can’t stop watching live Neutral Milk Hotel videos on YouTube. This started after referencing Neutral Milk Hotel’s Naomi in my previous post. In the habit of deconstructing my cravings–in this caseJeff Mangum’s voice, words, face, and all that is in consequence Read more…

Albuquerque: The Really Good Stuff

There’s something about the last day of a trip that lights a fire under your butt.  So with the sunrise, I sought to make the most of my last day in Albuquerque. And that means I start with a good breakfast. Ok, a really good breakfast!  I headed to hotspot Read more…

Greetings From Nashville, Tennessee

I arrived in Nashville in the early a.m.  One, because of entering the Central Time zone and two, more so, because I left Sweetwater, TN at the crack of dawn. I just didn’t know what to expect as far as traffic. But it was smooth sailing and I arrived with Read more…

Joshua Tree, California

Today is day one of a California summer adventure! And day ones are about getting acclimated, adjusting to the road and a totally new lay of the land. This land, our land/your land, is coated in a sun-dried muff; it’s baked, the high and mighty ball of fire sucking out Read more…

Pink and Red All Over

Though I don’t like pink on men because I am a confused jumble of progressive principles and old fashioned ideals that leave me mostly mourning the disappearance of real men, Lou Barlow can wear pink if he wants to. He can also describe his feelings vividly in song, sure. If he must…  [Sebadoh at the Read more…

Last Day in Paris

Are you really productive on Sunday? I am. There is something about the last day (of the weekend, in this example) that pushes me to action. Of course this ‘Sunday urgency’ exists today, Friday, as it is my last day here in Paris, France. With a full day at my disposal, I hoped Read more…