The Darkest Sky facing The Atlantic π
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Some Carl Sagan Love
June 13, 2021

An astrophotographer who lives on the East Coast is a glutton for disappointment. With the entirety of it lit up like a Christmas tree, nary a dark sky in sight, photographic astro missions are often unsuccessful in spite of all my efforts. So when I decided to tack on a trip to Massachusetts’ Cape Cod after an abandoned photo mission in Holyoke, MA, I managed my hope and I managed my expectations–a skill I have begrudgingly accepted as a necessary precaution in many areas in my life. After arriving at my darling cottage on the Outer Cape, I was pleased to learn that there were peak conditions for capturing the Milky Way that evening–a slim, waxing crescent moon, mostly clear skies… and deep darkness facing the Atlantic Ocean.
Excited, I hit two beaches in the hunt of the Milk of Hera–the first, Marconi Beach–part of the Cape Cod National Seashore. Upon arrival, there were lots of yutes enjoying themselves walking about with flashlights. Local law enforcement had just cleared out a large gathering on the beach when I began my descent of the boardwalk steps down to the shore. Cosmos tucked under my arm and in my full-on Sagan outfit, the gathered officers seemed quite amused by me as I was just oozing good, clean nerdy intentions. I’m going to call it “Nerd Privilege.”
To my great pleasure, I noticed the Milky Way immediately. And though the shore had a lot of activity, I captured some beautiful shots. Here the sand is illuminated nicely by a group’s bonfire.

With folks walking behind me with flashlights, the light was ever-changing as it painted on its will.

I was so giddy. I had forgotten how it felt. I dove into my ridiculous Sagan tribute shoot. Shooting stars a-plenty

Hard to keep still during a long exposure

The fire… and wispy clouds

Not much around for foreground options, but the lovely green ocean played nicely in my shots. A bonus: the sound of crashing waves… star shoots on the beach envelope me in sensual wonder

Trying out a new light source in advance of trip to the California desert. Meh, it was ok.

I put my arm down.

Next I headed to the Nauset Lighthouse to continue shooting. It was a long trek to the shore, so I stayed near the parking lot–which had nice composition options. My favorite was this fencing.

The Milky Way looking amazing.

More shooting stars. I have to get back to Cape Cod as I officially love it.

π Learn to fill your own heart containers π

So much green in the sky…

A fantastic first Milky Way capture of 2021. I’m floored to have discovered stars so bright so close to home. Now I want more.