
Tag: carl sagan

The Darkest Sky facing The Atlantic 🌟
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Some Carl Sagan Love

An astrophotographer who lives on the East Coast is a glutton for disappointment. With the entirety of it lit up like a Christmas tree, nary a dark sky in sight, photographic astro missions are often unsuccessful in spite of all my efforts. So when I decided to tack on a Read more…

You want a piece of me? πŸ₯§
Apple Pie Explorations

In a moment of thinking “I need to improve my pie game…” I bought a slew of Granny Smith apples. Then there they sat in my fruit bowl staring at me. But already mourning the impending loss of endless hours at home, since school would commence in the classroom next Read more…

Happy Ο€ Day

As a math teacher, I am obligated to make a big stink about Pi Day (3/14).Β  I made two pies from scratch last night after work while eating a PB&J sammy for dinner. Today, I incorporated them into the day’s activities.Β  (For more, see my work blog here.)Β  Now, I’m Read more…