You want a piece of me? π₯§
Apple Pie Explorations
February 20, 2021

In a moment of thinking “I need to improve my pie game…” I bought a slew of Granny Smith apples. Then there they sat in my fruit bowl staring at me. But already mourning the impending loss of endless hours at home, since school would commence in the classroom next week, I embraced the opportunity to cross off another home errand and utilize all those damn apples.
I tried this recipe out, but wasn’t all too impressed. The filling was way too wet and sweet. I’ll have to keep trying. Here’s the step by step.

I chose stars, because I was thinking of Carl Sagan while making an apple pie from scratch.

The stars would have been better with a berry filling. The apple did not make for a dark sky.

This will go to my parents’ for my brother’s birthday soirΓ©e. Oh-MG it is almost March. Can’t wait for Spring fruit and veggies.