You Get a Chocolate Marble Banana Bread! π You Get a Chocolate Marble Banana Bread!
May 25, 2018

I like bananas ripened, speckled, smashed and put into cake.Β And every week I have a slew of bananas to transform into tokens of my affection.Β Who will get a loaf of marble banana bread this week?Β Not sure.Β But last week, my middle school class.Β But first, I need to get to Brooklyn by way of the rising sun…
So this recipe from Isa Chandra is my go-to.Β It tastes better and better as it sits and it’s top gets all glistening…
I love trying out vegan food on the kiddos.Β This banana bread was a big hit and it got lots of compliments.Β From kids who don’t necessarily eat well, it’s nice to see that they can enjoy something made with quality ingredients that’s vegan.Β If they could, anyone could!
Then home, a great ball of fire bursts through a pink-purple haze.Β Sunrise-Sunset, quickly go the days…