Work Sweetness

Determined to survive this school year, I have to cherish what aids my survival… area sweet treats, my new team and work time shenanigans. To start, a huge vegan chocolate chip scone and oat milk scone from Roots Cafe before I discovered it had two ants crawling on it. Doh!

Daisies on the way to work. He loves me; he loves me not; he loves me, etc.

Happiness is a work colleague who picks you up sweet treats from Lively on the reg. The far right is the Best of the Borough‘s raw Chocolate Tahini Bite

Fall under me

Prep under a tree…

Spirit Week shenanigans… 90’s Day! Pleased my jeans from the 90’s still fit. Actually, it’s kind of weird but I’ll thank veganism.

Formal Day. I was told by my students that I looked like a garden faery.

Sports Jersey Day and the usual deGrom jersey. Because he is awesome.

80’s Day now! Totally. The kids had no idea what I was dressed as.

“I don’t know who needs to hear this…”