Water, An Appreciation Post
September 3, 2020

Let’s take a moment to celebrate… water. It makes up many of my favorite things. It makes up most of you, most of me, most of the Earth. It makes up my favorite foods, my favorite drinks. Inside it, you float. Without it, you die. Why would I need to to qualify an appreciate post beyond these statements? Perhaps to focus you into its magic, and away from things that don’t play a role in sustaining your life, things that perhaps complicate it. Oh, the layered means in which we fortify our own barriers! But the water…
A dip in a pool in the evening is pure Summer. I am an ocean gal at heart, but that certainly doesn’t mean I don’t love a pool.

Under a full moon that’s under the clouds–it seemed like a special occasion. Hence, the gown. My poor friend had to hear a ridiculous backstory to this character I created to justify my wardrobe. Seek friends who are inspired by your ideas… and don’t poo-poo on them. Even if they are foolish. Sharing foolishness is part of intimacy.

Julee Cruise-in’ it.

Logan was worried about me and was ready to rescue me if need be. I also liked our reflections.

Soon all that summer allows will be over as the movements of the Earth reorganize our calendars. The water will say, “No, not right now. But I may drop lightly upon your face and roads soon. You may pack me tightly in your hand and throw me at someone if you so desire.”

Also in my friend’s yard–her garden. She has several watermelons growing. This got me so excited. When I was a kid I barely buried watermelon seeds in the backyard because I wanted watermelon all the time. But all it produced was kid-worry that’d I’d get in trouble with my parents when the yard would be transformed into a watermelon patch. To see her success brought back the excitement of burying those seeds.

I want to be there when she eats these.

On this unofficial end take inventory on the water. After a big breath, surrender to it. Then come on back up. You’re ready for the next season.