Vegan Victuals Goes to Spain πͺπΈ
A Quick Stop in Girona
August 24, 2022

Knowing I would need a meal, I decided to head to Girona, which seemed to be an attractive city based on its prominence on highway exit signs. A quick search for food yielded a couple of vegan options that sounded yummy. But I also discovered that the town had a tourist lore–it was a shooting location for season 6 of Game of Thrones. I thought his was kismet… I’d eat and look at these sites before heading back to drop off the rental car and prepare for my train ride back to Madrid.
When I arrived I realized it was another tourist bustling town with much to offer.

The narrow medieval streets were used as the setting of Braavos, where Arya Stark trained with Man of Many Faces–where she sold oysters, clams and cockles and, most prominently, where she battled the waif.

The town also was used for locations in Kings Landing… the Cathedral of Girona served as The Great Sept of Baelor

After site seeing, a cool treat from the all-vegan Madonna Gelateria.

They had a ton of flavors

I am so impressed with Spain’s vegan gelato

Though it wasn’t my initial choice, I wound up at El Pati de la veina. Mysteriously, I couldn’t find B-12 Restaurant Bar VegΓ ! So I thought El Pati looked charming.

Watermelon Gazpacho to start

A housemade vegan burger with a rice pilaf and stewed lentils

A fruitful stop but it was time to get the car back and get back to Madrid for my flight out… this wonderful journey is coming to an end.