
Tag: Yardsale

June Dump!

The Waxing Crescent. I am enjoying photographing the waning and waxing phases as their partial illumination and stark black is so beautiful. Cookies for Mom. Ghiradelli finally makes vegan chocolate chips. They’re yummy of course… because they’re chocolate chips Soft dough… maybe because of the humidity They flattened out a Read more…

Mid June Food Miscellany

I’m way into creating my own pokΓ© bowl, like this one from a place called Poke Rainbow. But then… Poof! The eateries disappear inexplicably. I really don’t get it. Sushi lunch from Kiku. Vegetarian sushi perfection Drinks after work at Shaka Shaka Tiki. Pulled in by ube, but the space Read more…

Misc. May Photo Dump

Like sands through the hourglass, and so are the days of our lives… The pistachio chocolate chip cookie from Yardsale is still in my rotation despite a severe sugar detox I underwent. 😬 Yes, I want the onion and the watermelon, sweet landlady. Henna-ed hair… not bad Lake Champlain Chocolate Read more…

March Outtakes

March’s wrath is officially over. It is a tough month; but it’s the portal to summer. To follow some highlights that cannot be sorted elsewhere… The cookie that can get me through an 8-hour day. Yardsale‘s vegan pistachio chocolate chip… Ok, this is also work-related. Because March is one of Read more…

Miscellaneous February (And A lot of Pancakes)

The end of a packed but short month… one that makes the first two months of ’23 feel like a year already. And a lot of pancakes… Good Morning! Sweet routines: Yardsale‘s vegan pistachio chocolate chip cookie Dog Day Afternoon‘s Vegan Chicago Dog Thai, my usual order: dumplings and Pad Read more…

January Miscellany

How is the first month of 2023 half over already? It’s been a hectic year thus far… but that is good! How has you first few weeks been?! Taking down the holidays is always an organizational project. Because somehow I always have more to pack away than I’ve unpacked. It Read more…

Busy Times Photo Dump πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

Love that Wegmans semi-sweet chocolate chips are vegan! Some Thai dumplings from Jai Dee by my job My custom-made vegan kicks while the train pulls in–the perks of my guy owning a skate shop A brisk and crispy morning in Brooklyn I love finding old cars Tofu doing its thing Read more…

Mid-November Miscellany

Bowling with my class at Melody Lanes in Sunset Park. Kind of bummed they renovated their old school look. But their pool ball bowling bowls are pretty cool. Back to making fancy T.L.T.s… marinated tempeh, basil spread, spinach, tomato, housemade pickles, vegan Miracle Whip Pancakes… always a pleaser I love Read more…

Winter Torpor

To follow, stockpiles of food for the long winter! I must have taken this very same picture at least 20 times. I just love a cooling batch of chocolate chip cookies… Convinced work peeps to join me for vegan sandwiches from Renegades of Sunset, Brooklyn’s best vegan option. It’s so Read more…

What the Heck, Time? {Photo Purge}

How is it November, just a couple of months away from the new year? Every year seems to go faster and faster. Here, some shots in time… things I’ve eaten within time. A beautiful morning Treat Me Thursday at my new favorite coffee shop on the way to work: Yardsale. Read more…