
Tag: apartment

V.V. Holidaze:
πŸŽ„ And Somehow It’s That Time Again…

Another jam-packed year proceeds to its 12th month… December… 2021. Along with the usual confusion of “How is it December already?!” my beloved holiday decorations welcome the wonder, twinkling with a love and appreciation of those who blessed my year and reflecting an enduring hope for continued adventure in the Read more…

Scenes From a Summer

And just like that… August. Traveling since the end of school, it has been nice returning to my bed. Yes, I took a picture of my reunion with my bed after roughing it so much on the road. Other home goals was finally getting my craft desk built and my Read more…

In the House…

A brief stop back home, I dove into my favorite activities… cooking and baking. I miss my kitchen when I’m away, like I miss my bed. And with a house guest on her way, it would be a “welcome” batch of chocolate chip cookies. But first, tofu going for a Read more…