
Tag: airplane

Photo Dump: Overnight Turns Into 4-Nights; Halloween; Mostly Melbourne, Florida

So after getting called away from the coffee shop, they had me for 5 days–tacking on flights and overnights like I was the only flight attendant in existence. In all I overnighted in Des Moines, Iowa; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Greensville, South Carolina and finally Melbourne, Florida. Here are some pictures Read more…

Some Yums Around DMV

There I am in my current DC apartment… but we are moving in a few days. I always need to have a go-to Thai place and I was happy to find Charm Thai Restaurant in Silver Spring, MD on my walk. I got the usual Pad See Ew with spring Read more…

DAB & ORF Overnight Outtakes

Overnights are a highlight of the job. Sometimes they last only for a good night’s sleep, others last a couple hours short of an entire day. Even quick overnights offer at least some good natural light from the large hotel windows to take selfies. Others offer at least the palm Read more…

Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, A Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia might be one of the best museums I’ve ever been to. I mean, they have the Space Shuttle “Discovery” INSIDE the hangar, as well as 3,000 other artifacts–HUGE & small. My Dad would know the names of all these planes. Wish he Read more…

Time Flying By

The summer is moving fast as I traverse about the country. Thai food at some place I don’t recall… It was pretty darn good. But this was the star attraction… the mango and sticky rice with gold leaf garnish. It was absolutely perfect. Mornings at the airport mean I catch Read more…

Overnights {Pictorial}

Airport Loiterer

A lot of my time is spent at the airport… I sit about the terminals, ready to board any flight that needs me. But sometimes I am not needed. And so I find different corners to photograph, different vegan eats to try. It has not gotten old yet, though some Read more…

June Outtakes, Flight Attendant Reserve Adventures {Pictorial}

A Quick Trip Home

With more than one day off, it would be a quick trip home. Because I am quite homesick in this new lifestyle! And why not, with free flights?! Here are some of the home bites before having to head back to DC. My own bed… aaaah Oh how I miss Read more…

The Colors of Los Angeles

It was time to get away. With a friend in Los Angeles, it was an easy decision. Finally utilizing my flight benefits to go somewhere other than Home, I was leaving DC for the West Coast. Getting Alfred Hitchcocky The cratered, isolated West As soon as I got to Thai Read more…

Florida Outtakes

When I left Rochester in the early morning, there was snow on the ground. After a gorgeous trip south aligned with the sunrise, I’d arrive inside the bright blue sky So bright that I needed to buy some sunglasses from the Goodwill en route to Orange City. It just so Read more…

Misc. May Photo Dump

Like sands through the hourglass, and so are the days of our lives… The pistachio chocolate chip cookie from Yardsale is still in my rotation despite a severe sugar detox I underwent. 😬 Yes, I want the onion and the watermelon, sweet landlady. Henna-ed hair… not bad Lake Champlain Chocolate Read more…

Miscellaneous February (And A lot of Pancakes)

The end of a packed but short month… one that makes the first two months of ’23 feel like a year already. And a lot of pancakes… Good Morning! Sweet routines: Yardsale‘s vegan pistachio chocolate chip cookie Dog Day Afternoon‘s Vegan Chicago Dog Thai, my usual order: dumplings and Pad Read more…

Day Trippers At The TWA Hotel

It has been on my Bucket List to actually stay at this marvel of a hotel at John F. Kennedy airport: The TWA Hotel. And for a very special occasion, I booked the budget-friendly Day Tripper reservation to have four hours of full access to the amenities, including their heated Read more…

Scenes From Rochester

Some quick shots from my extended weekend in Rochester. At Krudco. . . I always like taking pictures of the decks. Making pancakes with/for the little ones Gosh, kids eat so little. Some funny looking pancakes This is the Times Square Building in Downtown. It really is gorgeous… Art Deco. Read more…

Some Rochester Outtakes

With a quick trip to Rochester, here are some outtakes. Starting with this great meal from Red Fern–their Oktober Fest Special: Vegan bratwurst with sauerkraut, apple-raisin chutney & creamy mustard mayo on a Pretzel Roll with a side of German potato salad. Very yum. Goodbye, NYC. Almost there after a Read more…

Abandoned Farmingdale, Long Island

These decaying buildings are all that remain of the area’s aviation production history. The area produced thousands of fighter planes from 1939 to 1965. Most of the space has since been converted into strip malls.

Vegan Victuals Goes to Spain 🇪🇸
The Plane to Spain, The Plane From Spain

I am ready to go! Farmers Fridge snack before take-off. Great textures! On the plane now, here is my vegan meal I ordered in advance for my flight. Better than I thought! Checking out the entertainment options. What kind of sicko would watch this film on a plane? My super Read more…

TWA Hotel Pictorial

A new tradition has started… visiting the TWA Hotel before a flight. To follow, some shots from pre-flight time-wasting. I really would like to try to have a photoshoot here! There is nothing like this hotel.

Misc. On the Road 2022

A trip starts with a trek to the airport. A subway to a train to a shuttle… Leaving at sunset for bedtime in the sky I am a nerd for these musical roads. This one is easier than the one in New Mexico as its grooves take up the entire Read more…

From Such Great Heights

Vegan in Fairbanks, Alaska
Welcome to Fairbanks

After a long day of travel, I arrived in Fairbanks at 2 a.m. But before the excitement of that moment, there was a lot of staring out airplane windows at pretty frost forming. The white in the cracks of the country below Saying goodbye to the Lower 48 as I Read more…

Rochester Outtakes

Rando Abando. The Finger Lakes from the sky A city covered in white. The tremendous Kodak campus. A creepy mess of old utilitarian buildings of bygone era. Baby Yoda vegan waffles, because I couldn’t resist. She slaved away on her plastic oven for this meal. More rando abando. This is Read more…

Florida Outtakes ☀️

There’s only one thing to do after a trip. Well, besides now quarantining. And that is to plan another. But before that, some outtakes from Florida, which already seems months ago. In the sky Welcoming treat from my generous host–some cupcakes from Blondie’s Vegan Bakery in Boynton Beach. For some Read more…

Airplane Paintings

I’m a window seat gal. I love watching the land from above. Here are some painting-like pictures, blotted and splotchy in their pixelatedness, of our beautiful country as I traveled from one end to the other. Starting at my home… I like to see the boroughs hold hands via a Read more…

Something About Airplanes, Part 2 ✈️

It always strikes me as odd that more people are not glued to the window during flights. How often can you see the beautiful Earth from the perspective of 30,000 feet? I’m always amazed how much like a quilt the land always looks, a quilt stained with enormous cloud shadows. Read more…