Quarantine Anniversary
Scenes Outside a Quarantine
March 17, 2021

It was one year ago that New York City began a lockdown. I had just said goodbye to my classroom and, like everyone else, had to worry about stocking up for a quarantine, amongst other worry. In mourning, I captured my classroom knowing the great unknown would alter all variables. Creepily, the Irish Soda Bread sits on my desk. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
I would have never guessed that one year later the dramatic changes interrupting daily living would remain indefinitely. The paradox of a swift year that held the emotional weight of decades carved into memory like a great glacier, making the past and the present disconnected, skewed by new crevasses. In the interest of prosperity and because if I don’t have a picture of it, I’ll likely just forget it–I’m going to continue to archive. You never know what you’ll want to remember.
Two terrible Irish soda breads I threw out. One was gluten-free and turned out absolutely disgusting. One was mushy in the middle. More successfully, I’ve accomplished all my baking goals during the long lockdown and am now generating new ideas of things you might like, especially for those who peep my most popular post.
Trying to maximize the life of my load of produce, I made another ton of pickles. Mostly radish. I’m thinking about summer sandwiches, bright with a rainbow of produce.

Also dreaming of Summer… though these watermelon radishes are not as satisfying then summer’s real melons. I continued to travel as I do so alone and safely and test often. This summer is also packed with excursions–planning that helps me survive winter’s hibernation. Also, filter-free me under the best light in my apartment!

My school building doesn’t let us in until 8am. So when I am early I prefer to wander about taking pictures, avoiding the snaking and demeaning line-up. Look how they recycled old soda cans in this awning! I love it.

Regular, Garbage

Sometimes I see places and and I think “That would be a nice place to kiss someone.” I may have to write a tourist book.

The year brought a lot of food exploration–vegan options everywhere! Here is another visit to the omni-bakery Seven Grams and their amazing vegan cookie option.

Healthy, acting sick for you. But getting sick of it.

Visiting family was slightly anxiety-inducing over the year. But I tested before and after each time and will continue to do so.

Gosh, I must have made like 60 curries in the last year. This is the most current one. Packed with flavor, color and nutrients, it did the job most weeks.

Ridiculous filter videos sent back and forth keep some ridiculousness… here, a timeless one.
Already almost 20 days into March, this year is flying swiftly! Hope you’re making the most of it.