Misc. May Photo Dump
May 31, 2023

Like sands through the hourglass, and so are the days of our lives…
The pistachio chocolate chip cookie from Yardsale is still in my rotation despite a severe sugar detox I underwent. π¬

Yes, I want the onion and the watermelon, sweet landlady.

Henna-ed hair… not bad

Lake Champlain Chocolate caramels… dreamy

I played Dungeons & Dragons for the first time.

The Dungeon Master

We ordered delicious eats from Earthen. This is the Sweet & Spicy Chick’n Sandwich… it’s a Lion’s Mane mushroom

So damn good and really tender

Jungle Bowl during detox… I was lost without sugar. It’s the worst drug ever.

There was supposed to be avocado on here too. What a ding-dong.

Ok, then I relapsed… made almond pancakes. I really messed myself up with this meal.

Some fresh summer rolls from Shangri-La in Bay Ridge.

Hair check-in! It’s getting real long. What should I do with it?

Back in Rochester…

At the lake at a failed star shoot

The waterslide is up in the backyard. And so we toast to the start of summer…

Bye Rochester, see you soon.

Back in my usual Brooklyn routines. Jai Dee in Park Slope for Pad See Ew, scallion pancake and vegetable dumplings. Best Thai in Brooklyn just happens to be a few blocks from my job.

Goodbye May! Let’s see what June has got in store…