Mid-November Miscellany
November 11, 2022

Bowling with my class at Melody Lanes in Sunset Park. Kind of bummed they renovated their old school look. But their pool ball bowling bowls are pretty cool.

Back to making fancy T.L.T.s… marinated tempeh, basil spread, spinach, tomato, housemade pickles, vegan Miracle Whip

Pancakes… always a pleaser

I love this yellow trim on the apartment across the street. But then I sharpened it.

I usually have a bagel from the Bagel Factory once a week or so. Here I feast on it prior to arriving at work.

Marathon Sunday! I had a great time cheering them on.

Bringing in some rice crispy treats for the kiddos.

I discovered these while killing time in LifeThyme before meeting a friend. Quinn makes vegan Combos! Finally!! Much better than the version I attempted to make out of sheer frustration.

Dinner with said friend at Osteria 57.

I got the Roasted Maitake with a bed of pan-seared polenta, romesco and almond sauce. Really delicious.

The Beet Bucatini , which is housemade beet bucatini, parsnip, licorice breadcrumbs, and lovage. Also, really freakin’ delicious . . . but that’s about all the vegan options this place has!

Sidewalk selfie!

Another weekly ritual–the pistachio chocolate chip cookie from Yardsale and an oat milk latte (One the mural: Imagine Living Without Fear… yes, imagine)

After voting. Look I wore earrings for like the first time in years.

ANOTHER ‘food around work’ ritual. I also get Thai once a week from Jai Dee Thai. Perfect lunch special, amazing service, knowledge of veganness… plus mango and sticky rice if I am feeling frisky. And I was!

A demonstration of why I have bangs. I have a 5-head!
Found an amazing Japanese store in the West Village after I ate my vegan combos. I’m a big sucker for Sanrio… always have been since I was a kid. I have to get to Japan. It’s high on my international to-go list, but that Yen just kicks the USD’s arse.
On the Japanese tip, some sushi from Bay Sushi

I love how old New York still hides in the corners…

in the quiet folds of Brooklyn

Old car stalker. This is a camaro.

Filter vs. Unfiltered π

That’s enough for now. How’s your November panning out?!