Into the Desert Wilderness🌵
Yuma Territorial Prison
February 20, 2023

The ruins of the Yuma Territorial Prison is within a historical state park. Opened in 1876, the prison held 3,040 male and 29 female “outlaws” of the west during its closing in 1909. The park’s museum contains artifacts, many made by prisoners who were given free time for creating beautiful things by hand. Despite its bad reputation, the prison had a humane approach to imprisonment–far less brutal then the high temperatures and the rampant tuberculosis within the rocky cells.

Newer cells of the prison yard. A group of prisoners managed to escape from these cells. Perhaps it is their etchings I saw amongst the collection of messages left by inmates.

Typical cells bunked 6 to a room. Criminal offenses ranged from adultery (women) to murder.

The Dark Cell was the place of solitary confinement.

The infirmary

Some of the female outlaws.