Happy π Day
March 14, 2018

As a math teacher, I am obligated to make a big stink about Pi Day (3/14). I made two pies from scratch last night after work while eating a PB&J sammy for dinner. Today, I incorporated them into the day’s activities. (For more, see my work blog here.) Now, I’m not the best pie maker. The pie was a bit dry, but the kids really loved the sweetened coconut cream I had in my work fridge right under the freezer. They swore it was ice cream. Maybe I will start making more pies, but I don’t really ever crave pie… and my cravings are the main motivation of my baking. Anyway, Happy π Day!
Keeping pies warm on my classroom’s heater.
And because:
– It’s the best video on YouTube last I check (maybe in 2008?)
– “If you wish to make an apple pie from scrath, you must first invent the universe.”
– Carl Sagan… 💖💖💖
– Stephen Hawkins is featured. The extraordinary genius who just left us.