Warm & Cozy Winter Eats
January 18, 2020

This day was made for lunch making… ooooh yeah. As some snowflakes fall, it was time for heart warming spices to last all week. This, the kind of lunch that helps pass the time at work, is partly what winter is about. An adaptation of an Oh She Glows recipe, it’d be the first out of two turmeric-packed recipes I had planned for today, numbers 5 and 7 on my home to-do list.
Sweet potato and lots of it

Along with a lot of red and orange things!

I love a recipe that combines it all and lets the heat do the hard work.

Tick and packed with flavor.

Chard gettin’ its wilt on.

Chard, surrendered

Add some millet, a glob of my tofu sour cream, chopped onion and fresh cilantro and this week’s lunch is dressed to the 9’s.

I wish I had a fireplace to eat this in front of… and a big picture window to watch the snow.

Well, to do #6 awaits. Enjoy your weekend!