Vegan Victuals Valentine Inspirations π
A Big Jello Heart
February 9, 2021

Making good use of my massive anatomical heart mold, another Vegan Victuals Valentine Inspiration that is truly special due to its lack of availability. Vegan Jello! But don’t let its beauty fool you! This heart is likely the easiest recipe of this entire series. The striking layers of red, pink and coconut white simply require three separate boils on the stovetop and time to set. The result is firm and delicious–and a great base to personalize however you may see fit with your sweetie-pie in mind.
I adapted this recipe to create the layered heart. Feel free to rev up with all kinds of flavor possibilities–as long as the agar agar powder is dissolved in a boiling liquid then it will set–be it coconut milk (as I have used), fruit juices in a variety colors, or even pureed fruit like mango (mmmm). You can also keep it simple and use gel coloring. The possibilities are endless now that you took yourself to that Asian market to buy a slew of agar agar powder to make your marshmallows.
1 can full fat coconut milk
2/3 cup water
3 Tbsp sugar, divided
3 smidgens salt, divided
1 1/2 teaspoons agar agar powder, divided
red and pink gel coloring
1.) Open the can of coconut milk. It is likely separated, with creamy coconut cream and grey coconut water. Blend in a blender or Magic Bullet or mix vigorously until it is uniform.
2.) Pour 2/3 cup coconut milk into three separate bowls. The pour the coconut milk in one bowl back into the blender along with the red gel coloring. Blend until uniform and then return to the bowl. Quickly rinse out the blender cup, then repeat with the coconut milk that would be the pink layer. Rinse the blender again.

3.) Return the coconut milk in the third bowl back to the blender and add the water. Blend until uniform and then return to the bowl.
4.) Start red layer by add the coconut milk to a small pot, then sprinkle on 1/2 teaspoon of the agar agar powder, stirring to dissolve over medium heat. Then add 1 TB of sugar and a smidgen of salt and bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
5.) Once it comes to a full boil, take off the heat and pour into heart mold, secured like so. Place in the fridge to set for 20 minutes.

6.) After red has set, repeat steps above for middle layer of pink using the same measurements listed above. Once it’s boiling, remove from heat. Remove the chilling red layer from the fridge and carefully pour the pink onto the red layer. Pour it over the back of a spoon so it doesn’t break the red layer. Refrigerate again for 20 minutes.
7.) Repeat steps above for final layer of white then refrigerate for at least 4 hours to set it all and to chill through.
8.) To release, use a butter knife to loosen jello’s edges and allow air into mold. It should release relatively easily. Place face down and serve.
Commence photoshoot. Wasn’t that easy?

Take it! Take another little piece of heart now, baby.

I plan to have more fun with this recipe soon!

Effortless beauty, just like your Valentine. π