Vegan Victuals Valentine Inspirations π
Marshmallow Treats
February 7, 2021

Making vegan marshmallows is a pretty impressive feat and, therefore, a very romantic undertaking to take on for someone else’s benefit. Really, the hardest part about making them is getting the supplies you need. Again! Planning, forethought and execution are really hotπ₯ in a partner. Anyone can have an idea–and anyone can not take action because of million different reasons… So quit being so typical!
If you need help with this, shift your mindset a bit. If you begin to perceive inaction as a deliberate form of action–a clear communication to yourself, your partner (because this is Valentines discussion)–you may begin to see how many obstacles you allow to stack up as you sit passively observing. This line of thinking has been very grounding for me. I often think, what am I saying by not saying? What consequence am I contributing to by not asserting or taking action? It’s often the opposite of my desired consequence. Aligning intention with action–good for yoga, good for life. This is reminding me of an Anne Frank quote I bookmarked: βDead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.β Send the flowers now. They’ll do more good. Sorry for that tangent. Let’s get back to marshmallows.
My post entitled Revised Idiot’s Guide to Making Vegan Marshmallows is a great intro to the art. 100% necessary is a stand-up mixer. I wouldn’t advise trying to make marshmallows without it no matter how big your biceps are. Then a quick trip to the Asian market for some agar agar powder (not agar flakes which are more widely available.) The agar is a seaweed protein that works like gelatin does to create firm, bouncy marshmallows (and Jello! as you see later in the week). Gelatin is not vegan. You also need a candy thermometer, but those are inexpensive and easy to find.
Once you have everything, making marshmallows feels more like a science lab than anything else. That’s because it is. And when you’re done, a heavenly white fluff that wants to mold to whatever shape your heart desires. In this case: mostly a heart.
I made roses first, but thought they looked too soapy.

Batch number two. Most of the recipe is waiting… waiting for sugar to cook to soft ball, waiting for mixer to whip everything. This Valentines endeavor I am taking on is a trial for me: can I make treats all day? Could I produce for a bakery? Turns out yes, if I get to play music.

Marshmallow setting inside some cookie cutters.

These are confirmed vegan by PETA. Conversation hearts, the epitomy of Valentine’s Day candy, have gelatin in them for some reason. These SweeTarts don’t.

I used the cookie layer from my other marshmallow-related recipes to make Valentine Scooter Pies/Mallomars. Just showing you different options here. Click on the links for full recipes.

This reminds me of Edward Scissorhands too. Wow, that movie has been on my mind! It’s such a beautiful movie.

Getting ready for chocolate coating…

This was the grand prize. A huge anatomical heart (from when I made Dothraki Hearts for my Game of Thrones party)… a huge marshmallow heart to be coated in chocolate. My philosophy: Make the treats you want to eat in the world. Be the person you’d love to know.

Here are some final results. Any of these treats would be sure to please a vegan…

The Queen of Hearts… my hand for scale

You can find this mold on Amazon.

My hand in glove because my sister keeps saying my hand looks phallic in my pictures. π

Look at that marshmallow! Hubba hubba. But I had to rip the heart in two…

Another Valentines treat-spiration coming your way tomorrow!