Vegan Representation at the CupcakeCamp NYC!
March 26, 2009

From Bombay to Brooklyn, cupcakes truly are taking over the world! Cupcake Camp, an ad-hoc cupcake collective lending name to local BarCamps across the globe, have brought to life CupcakeCamp NYC! An evening of mini-cake madness! The event is simple: sign up, bring cupcakes, eat cupcakes (or sign up and eat other people’s cupcakes.. you down wit O.P.C.C.?)
Shortly after this hot cupcake lead {from my main man/cupcake outreacher CandyPenny} crossed my screen, we both signed up as the first *vegan* bakers for the event! I’m hoping word spreads to other NYC blogstresses… allowing me to sample more than our own cupcakes and showing the cupcake community that vegan cupcakes can kick some ass.
The event will be on Friday, April 9, 2009 @ Happy Ending on New York’s Lower East Side. Click here for more info and to R.S.V.P.