Vegan Hostess SnoBall, Prototype
March 21, 2020

So when I make marshmallow, I go hard. Because a batch makes a ton–and it better given how labor intensive it is–I had three simultaneous sweet treats going on at once. Marshmallow for my scooter pies (forthcoming as I’ve yet to coat them in chocolate), marshmallow for my s’mores cupcake, and a prototype of yet another marshmallow nostalgic treat I have been meaning to veganize: The Hostess Snowball.
I’m not going to tell you that is a favorite from my childhood, but I do have fond memories of eating its marshmallow outer layer and then discarding the rest. That is enough to make me what to do a vegan version. But this time I promise to eat the whole thing. So I started with chocolate cake in a silicone dome mold.

Yadda yadda yadda, several episodes of The Wire (Pandemic!) later, a whirlwind of dishes in the sink and a prototype was born. It’s a start.

No cream filling, but very SnoBall-esque.

Be on the look out for an official V.V. Veganization of this treat soon. Because I’m going to bake the crud out of this shelter-in!