Using Chickpeas, Part 2: Chana Dal

Needing more aquafaba for Christmas cookies and a Royal icing attempt means using more chickpeas! So it was more Indian cooking. Even though I am off from work, I still need a daily lunch. This time, the start of my Annual Pantry Turnover–when I attempt to use the pantry stragglers taking up precious space in the pantry. This dish uses up the remaining lentils that have been hanging around for maybe years… the opened can of coconut milk in my fridge… and a ton of dates I picked up in a rather large quantity after visiting the Halal supermarket not too long ago.

With the dates, a double batch of tamarind sauce first. Because I never have enough tamarind sauce when I eat Indian. And my go-to Indian take-out’s tamarind sauce is not sweet like I like it. I used Vegan Richa‘s perfect recipe.

Now I will have enough tamarind sauce… for now.

Onward, my remaining lentils were exactly the cup I needed. The coconut milk had to be supplemented with almond milk. And did I mention kale is going to be in this picture? Well there it is, right there.

Kale sautΓ©ed in coconut oil with a pinch of salt is a dessert island food for me. When I make it, watch how many times I steal a piece right from the pan. No wait, get out of my kitchen. Who let you in?!

Kind of winging this recipe for the most part. And it sure was tasting good.

All done and garnished with cilantro, tamarind sauce, cilantro and a small dollop of some homemade sour cream I will need for my Christmas dessert (forthcoming). Here’s to a week off and savoring it, bite by bite.

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