Travel, Miscellaneous
New Mexico & Texas
April 21, 2022

Cowboy boots on means it’s time to go to Texas…

Just wanted to share my excitement about this Farmer’s Fridge in JFK Airport.

The Pineapple Coconut Chia Pudding was what caught my eye.

It was a great price for a fresh vegan breakfast. I’m sorry I don’t remember the exact price, but I remember feeling it was a very good value.

The pineapple was so welcome with the creamy chia pudding. The texture of coconut flakes on top makes this quick breakfast hit a lot of wonderful notes.

Onward to the road… when a vegan finds a good convenience store stop off the interstate, the vegan buys a ton. Fresh fruit, sesame sticks, Sahale nut mixes, and fried fruit? Yes, maam.

Another such stop–with big vegan Lenny & Larry’s cookie, fried pecans (never saw fried nuts before!), and the Kind Bar–an old favorite.

The cheapest gas I saw was in Lubbock, Texas… after driving through hundreds of miles of oil fields pumping away.

I always pack my underwater camera and my waterproof iPhone pouch in my suitcase. For opportunities like this… motel pool selfie after driving many hours.

Thanks-Giving Square in downtown Dallas was very pretty. So I will make you look at a few pictures of it…

More downtown Dallas

Breakfast at Spiral Diner, a Texas vegetarian institution. Here is the Lumberjack tofu scramble with potatoes subbed for fake sausage.

Remember when I drove on the side of the road in New Mexico and it sang America, the Beautiful in February of 2018? Well despite the fact that the signs were taken down, the rumble sticks still sing…