Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Part 3
July 18, 2021

To follow are some shots from the main Kirkbride building of Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. A bit cleaned up and subject to large groups coming through for tours, many of the spaces were staged with artifacts and informational displays.

A lot of ghost hunters have left toys for the spirit of a child who has reported to be on the grounds…


More offerings

Etched in the children’s ward

“Sexuality class” happened a couple of times a day

Seclusion cage

Dork, taken by a nice fellow photographer. The group of 10 on the photography tour were mostly young women.

More seclusion cages

At this point I was exhausted… and wanted to document myself before leaving

That rug really ties the room together

4 hours of shooting done.

With another tour at another spot tomorrow, it was time to rest up in town. Goodnight, West Virginia.