These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Tiki Bars
March 31, 2018

I love tiki bars.Β I love tiki bars more when they are not in a big city (like say Clifton, New Jersey where Lee’s Hawaiian Islander is… or this strip mall on Staten Island where Jade Island is) where their elaborate design features seem strange and random, where their girl-drink-drunk kitsch drink menus, exciting barware, and friendly Hawaiian-shirt wearing staff seems wholly out of place.Β And yet, there they are, often seeming untouched by time or the concrete world outside their doors.Β They are one of my favorite things because they have so many of my favorite things inside: cheeky decor, pineapples, photo opportunities, alcohol, retro weirdness, fried Asian food, and a colorful theme.
The view from our booth at Lee’s Hawaiian Islander, a stop on a New Jersey excursion.
The accent wall, complete with flowing water.Β
Their Mai Tai and my drink, The Flaming Virgin.Β
When this kind of Fire starts, it’s very hard to put out…Β
A terrible picture as the phone slid off the tea pot is was leaning on.