These are a few of my favorite things:
Daikon Radish
April 7, 2020

I have been devouring raw daikon… It’s a pretty hardcore snack, perhaps the gateway snack to my nibbling on raw horseradish! The radishes, in general, are pretty bad ass snacks. They’re roots, so they’re like taking a bite of the Earth, and their pungent spice knocks you out… like wasabi. I love this kind of impact from my food. Actually, I’m a glutton for getting my hair blown back in most areas of my life.
Though this post will show today’s pickling endeavors with daikon along with black radish, turnip, and cucumber, let me tell you a little bit about why I love daikon radish, and why you should also eat daikon radish, while you look at my quick pickles.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food, said Hippocrates. Daikon is a powerful medicine… because it’s packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s an antioxidant, which means it protects cells from oxidative damage–slaying free radicals that can run amuck in a celluarly stressed being. Are you a cellularly stress being? Daikon’s antioxidants are anti-inflammatory, anticancer, immune-boosting, and detoxifying, Boom, boom, boom, and boom again.

Also on the cellular tip, it contains lots of folate which helps the production of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, cellular growth in general,… that’s why pregger ladies gotta have their folate.

Daikon radish is also high fiber which helps you not get fat… or a more body positive term. And it’s just a pretty darn cool thing to eat. …Are you looking at these pickles yet? I’m excited to start pickling more things now that I am getting bi-weekly Misfits boxes.

Now that I have got the pickles, I will have to make some fantastic sandwiches to eat them on.