Tempeh Chesapeake Bay Crab Cakes
June 29, 2009

Excitedly, I have been knocking back some of Isa’s Vegan Brunch recipes! And I’ve only just begun… I got plans to fill the remainder of my summer break I/independence weekend with her hearty concoctions. But for now: Chesapeake Bay crab cakes… vegan style with tempeh and some kelp for fishy kick. I ran out of panko so the crab cake glob was a bit moist. They fried up deliciously, topped with remoulade and a squirt of lemon.
Thoreau, soy sauce and shredded tempeh.
This is your brain on diced red peppers.
Crab cakes ready to be fried up. Everybody wants some!
Remoulade getting a stir. This sauce has some punch. I prefer a thicker sauce and would mix in some Veganaise next time.
All fried and dressed to kill. These hit the spot. Though I thought they rocked, Wok Man loved them a whole bunch more. Tempeh crab cakes: perfect for the bearded burly guy.