
Tag: yankee stadium

2019 Vegan Yankees Stadium Update 💸

I got the chance to head to Yankees Stadium with some of my students today! So of course I took advantage of the opportunity share this vegan update for the 2019 season. Things have gotten a bit… sloppier, as below indicates. Bareburger at Field Level Concourse near Section 132. Sure, Read more…

Baseball Stadi-YUM Eats:
Yankee Stadium Vegan Report, 2018 Season

[New for 2019 season! Please see most recent report on vegan offerings at Yankee Stadium here.] Firstly: THANK YOU, Yankee Stadium.  This season’s dining guide clearly names confirmed vegan options in the ball park. This is helpful! 😊 As I bring you this part 1 of the 2018 vegan report of Yankee Stadium, I’m happy Read more…

A Fond Farewell to Summer: I can tell you my love for you will still be strong after the selfies of summer have gone.

This is kind of how summer is… and kind how the days after summer are, too. They are potent… and in the rear view seem further away when they’re gone. Seeing pictures from the summer once the school year starts is surreal.  Time passes with a tremendous stomp. This blog post Read more…

Yankee Stadium (V)

[New for 2018 season! Please see most recent report on vegan offerings at Yankee Stadium here.] The last time I was at a New York Yankees game was 11 years ago in the old stadium. And though sports rivalry can raise the stakes in an enjoyable way, this Mets fan Read more…

Baseball Hot At Yankees Stadium

Sure, I am a New York Mets fan. But even a Mets fan can enjoy free field level seats behind home plate at Yankees Stadium. Yes, home of the New York Yankees. And that superstar heart throb Jeter, all pompous and blowing bubbles with his bubblegum while he slides into Read more…