
Tag: Broad Channel

More Water Appreciation,
New York City Waterways

First: Coffee, then Kayak. What am I saying, I have been in a kayak exactly twice in my life, including this time. πŸ˜‚ And just like the first time, I barely contributed anything to the rowing process. Water: I just enjoy being around it, within in, on top of it–any Read more…

The Sun Goes Down On Summer

An astroshoot in New York City? Sure, let’s do it. There were a few stars and a very bright Jupiter and Mars, though the billions of other celestial bodies were shy of the bright lights in the big city. Still very worth the while… The 9/11 Tribute lights were on. Read more…

Beachin’ in Queens {Pictorial}
(Plus Storm Porn)

Beachin’ {Eats} in Queens

Summer eats are a celebration of color and freshness. After a long weekend of repeated trips to the shores of the Rockaways, here is what I ate. Above, avocado toast on a thick slice of housemade bread from La Fruteria at the bustling 97th Street concessions on Rockaway Beach. And Read more…

I’ll be on the water.

There is no better place than right next to the water. I’ll take any and all kinds of water. Even better is being with friends next to the water. To follow is some of the water I love near loved ones. The Greek‘s backyard in Broad Channel, Queens. Grapes! An Read more…

A One Day Vacation in Broad Channel, Queens

For budgetary reasons, I haven’t traveled much at all this summer. So it was a delight to find so many means of escape right here in New York City. The Greek‘s place in Broad Channel, Queens on the Rockaway Peninsula offers a retreat from all of the city’s bustle while Read more…