
Tag: bagel

My Frosty Valentine

With record cold this Valentine’s morning, the windows were intricately frosted by Mother Nature. The Atlantic ocean in the winter from the Robert Moses Causeway. Orchids are beautiful–and other such understatements. You are my Everything. A batch of Brooklyn’s Dunwell‘s. At like 1030 on Sunday, they were sold out of most Read more…

Rainbow Bagel at The Bagel Store

Ever since I saw Brooklyn’s The Bagel Store‘s Rainbow Bagel on Instagram… I’ve wanted to take a picture of it, as most do. But I really didn’t want to eat it. So… I didn’t. I brought them to my parents and sister. They’re beautiful, no doubt, with a sweet, sugary sap on Read more…

Long Island Vegan-ops in Chains

I always giggle at myself for enjoying my weekend bagel the way I do. I really feel a sense of loss at its last bite. It’s simple perfection. An everything bagel, of course. Then toasted to activate all those seeds’ flavors. A layer of Earth Balance. And a layer of Read more…

Misc. March

I feel like March is my least favorite month of the year. At this point, I am through with winter and impatient for April, when warmer and brighter weather is more consistent. March’s sunny teases leave me annoyed. And it’s a loooong month. Somehow, it is almost over. Bringing us Read more…

2010: The Year in Food

In the year 2010, more than any other, the camera was angled down, capturing flicks of food. Sure, there are people on the other side of the table. Had the camera lifted its head, it’d see. But for a gal who sorts time through food, the vibrant color of shared Read more…

These are a few of my favorite things: Everything Bagels from Bagel Dock

You’ll likely think me a total dullard when I confess that one of the most pleasurable moments of my week is Saturday morning: biting into a twice-toasted everything whole wheat bagel from Freeport, Long Island’s Bagel Dock smeared with Earth Balance and Bonne Maman four fruit preserves. Sure, sure, it Read more…

Night of the Freegans [Part 1]

My friend Karen has one eye on the curb at all times. She rescues abandoned furniture, peruses through bags of clothing, breaks in our conversation to quickly scout a heap; palpating a bulbous black bag, can feel new life. She knows the trash days, the recycling days, the apartment buildings Read more…

Birthday Part 1: The Kids & The Cupcake

I haven’t worked on my birthday since “working” was hanging out behind a cash register with a group of sneering misfits rolling our eyes at Celine Dion cd purchases. In between then and now a work day consisted of upholstered cubicle walls, nonsensical meetings and minimizing too many Internet Explorers to Read more…

Brooklyn Bread Face {Ode to MP}

Ms. CandyPenny recently tried her hand at making bagels from scratch, de la Vegan Brunch. In an effort to channel her spirit back to New York, I thought I’d give it a go myself. Rise, rise, rise… is one of those words that starts to look misspelled when you type Read more…

Beating the Hangover [Vegan Version]

Bliss‘s Vegan Breakfast Burrito I don’t know about you but the morning after a night of drinking, I am nutrient-starved. I crave a variety of tastes and textures, and their accompanying nourishment. Hangover remedies are much like old wives tales. But through the years of trial and error after a Read more…

I Love NYC Weekend: Staycation

This weekend marked Wok Man’s 1-year anniversary here in New York City. In light of the milestone, the events planner within grabbed the reigns for a fitting commemoration: A New York City Staycation. The celebration began with a New York food staple: the bagel. Although many states and locales attempt Read more…