Sunday is For Lunch Making
May 15, 2015

A while ago, Vegan Cuts gave me a full sized bag of brown rice noodles. I hate to have things sit around too long, so I decided to make Pad Thai for my lunch this week. There are a ton of vegan Pad Thai recipes out there, but I trust Isa. Despite this being in Isa Does It, this Pad Thai isn’t easy-breezy. But it is well worth it. Start with browning the tofu patiently.
Don’t pull the tofu off the heat too soon. You need browning. Underdone tofu just mushes everything up.
The next time I had a hand free to take I picture, I was done! Look how lovely. The sauce is the real star in this recipe, very complex and the perfect heat level. You got to get the really good tomato paste, that one in the tube.
Pad thai is only half done once it’s off the heat. It needs a bunch of accoutrements like chopped peanuts, mung bean sprouts, lime wedges, and fresh cilantro. Though this was the week’s lunch, I ate a day’s portion. I couldn’t resist.
And because it’s her favorite day, here’s Addie. She is such a special kitty. Never met one like her. She’s smarter than most people I know.