Spring’s First Trip to Green-Wood
March 23, 2021

Though it’s too early for the flowering trees I am waiting for, the gorgeous weather had me dropping in on Green-Wood Cemetery early for some crocuses, the start of some daffodils and some quiet contemplation.
The pretty purple crocuses were scattered about here and there. Their vibrant shade is a welcome indicator of the change of season. I’m holding on already knowing how fast it flies.

Onward to new spots. After three years of regular visits, I have to hunt down places I’ve never seen while dropping in on old favorites.

The resurrector

Lest you forget, we are surrounded by water

Angry face

Little angel for little person


Eye see you.

Now I’m staring

Keeping busy

Ho hum

This guy lead God’s armies against… Satan (say in metalhead voice)

Who needs arms when you got wings?

Said old favorite.

Small sulky angel

Peeved look lady… Yes, I am officially naming all the monuments.

Better to have loved, lost and have this terrible expression on your face in perpetuity?

I want to live in this house in the cemetery. But alas, it’s this gal that gets to.

Chin up, Summer’s coming!