Slush Day Photo Expeditions
March 4, 2019

I really wanted to take snow pictures today, but I had to settle for slush pictures. The bright white would help me play a little bit with aperture, shutter speed and exposure compensation, the three variables that were the subject of my first photography class.
Setting out, I wanted to capture the texture everywhere, how the bright white ground and stream of sunlight moved in and out of grooves and nooks… like geese footprints and bicycle trails. I’m learning to better capture the amount of light I want. No more letting the camera decide for me!

I played with compensating for the shadows under the bridge.

So winter, though I was only in a vest jacket. I like the composition of this shot.

This is entitled “Alternate Escape.”

Entitled “Choice of Alternate Escapes”

Not a bad run around the neighborhood.