Seeing Stars, Seeing Trails💫
Camp Hero State Park
November 27, 2021

After some discussion of star trails in my astrophotography Zoom class, I decided I’d include a star trails mission in my long holiday weekend.. . at the best place for star gazing in my vicinity, Montauk Point. Having gone to Camp Hero State Park just last week but forgetting my tripod, I was bummed as we drove away and the vibrant stars of Long Island’s East End twinkled goodbye. So I’d brave the wind, the cold and creepiness, setting up at sundown next to the towering radar and sticking around for true night to start a 60-shot sequence of the night sky. I am very proud of myself for accomplishing my goal despite the chilling cold and unnerving solitude in this very spooky place.

Documenting my mission

The Milky Way showed up very soon after dusk. It is important to note that since the more impressive galactic core is on the Southern hemisphere right now, this is just the tail end.

Some shots before the star trails sequence.

The result–my first star trails image! I am ecstatic and look forward to more star trails opportunities.

A really quick time lapse of the entire sequence.
Can’t wait to try another!