Sea-sons Greetings π
December 5, 2020

Though I’ve pronounced the mermaid season over several times, I haven’t put my seashell stash away. After scoring the absolute perfect base for a full mermaid costume, I’m reinvigorated.
Before that though, a wreath that will unfortunately not be able to hung as it’s way too much weight on a very cheap dollar store base. After this photoshoot, the plastic snapped. Though I intended to sell it, it’s pretty much a safety hazard. I will give it to my witchy friend whose candles and nature-y offerings would look perfect within as it lays flat…

I really like the end product… but unbelievably I may not have the seashells to create another as impressive. My shell stash has dwindled significantly.

Having some holiday crafting time scheduled, I will attempt to to make some smaller ones on sturdier bases. Holiday t-c-b-ing it!