Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 9
June 26, 2020

I found fibonacci perfection in this daisy along my walk. The rose season moves into daisy and lily days.
One of the reasons I love summer in New York City. Tajin covered perfectly ripe mango for $3 on the street.

Black Lives Matter outside Staten Island’s Borough Hall. But I’m short so…

A raw-ish day because Misfits sent me a tremendous head of red cabbage.

My delicious raw salad says summer

And a perfect juicy plum

More of my produce utilization prior to departure… freezing the cubed butternut squash, inhaling all the mango, and processing the bunch of cilantro for a pesto. Eat the π . . .
And more red cabbage utilization.. making sauerkraut.

And some banana muffins to use the rest of the ripened ‘naners. Into the freezer they go as well!

Summer sunsets getting better

I’m pretty sad to have to return my car. I don’t know how I’ll survive without a vehicle. But my bobble gal will be waiting here for my next car. But really, I can see her whenever I want as she is featured prominently in the google satellite picture of my address. Creepy.

All dressed up for a change… and somewhere to go. Rockin’ my new Alfred Sheehan dress. Alfred Sheehan designed Hawaiian style wears in the 60’s and is credited with inventing the Aloha shirt. He’s a vintage dress icon, but created a new line. I bought it for when I eventually get to state number 50!
End of year tradition at Greenwood Park

Not socially distancing π¬

Annie’s Vegan Mac & Cheese FTW.

I’m outtie New York . . . π