Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 13
November 25, 2020

Welcome back to my Scenes From a Quarantine series! Because 2020 said so. Convinced of this being a short-term predicament, let us continue to embrace the bizarre of this before it is buried in our collective memories.
O.G. vegan: Bean curd with broccoli in garlic sauce with vegetable fried rice. I have been eating this Chinese take-out for literally decades. And it still satisfies. And I ordered at the counter and paid with cash… that is really O.G.

A word of advice, never try to make mashed yellow beet. It was a huge fail–texture-wise. This whole meal was kind of meh, I don’t even know why I am showing you it. Maybe because of the roasted parsnips? Those were good. Ok, look away now.

Pomegranate. I am showing this because peeling them is such a hassle. The reward for your efforts… these little perfect rubies. Ah, how my food loves to slay free radicals. My food kicks ass in my body. Thanks, food.

Remember the heart on my squash? This is it now, ready to be roasted and stuffed.

The perfect vessel. What’s nice is the sweetness from the squash complements a savory pilaf containing anything you want to use up! But first, a thorough roast.

Mine was a millet with roasted turnip, roasted yellow carrot, sauteed green and yellow pepper, walnut, and cilantro.

Tahini drizzlin’… an autumn delight. And with a soft skin, you can eat everything on the plate.

I like when I find a New York City that looks like the 80’s. This is Bensonhurst. On my way to get my pre-Thanksgiving Covid test.

Under the tracks

Standing in line. I have been seeing really long lines, so I set my alarm to arrive first thing in the morning… there was still a line. In the end the whole process took a little over an hour. No more priority given to teachers since the schools are closed.

More images for the memory book… I hope.

As a math teacher I must say that social distancing restrictions have made my students far better at estimating 6 feet.

More on the half glass full, masks are a bit of an equalizer. Everyone is anonymous and all are receiving less unwanted attention. Though all are also not receiving wanted attention.

I feel like I am on a board game.

Testin’ negative and tryin’ to remain positive…

Back with the Remote teaching… Thankful for the little things: there are backgrounds to play around with in Google Meet. Here is a series of background antics. Here is the start of Day 1… all alone.

Then the fireworks…

Then a Special Ed teacher happy hour… in flowers.

My fave… a vintage kitchen that matches my hat.

A quiet evening on the Gowanus as I pick up my Thanksgiving meal. Are you disappointed I didn’t cook myself? I wanted to try Chloe Coscarelli‘s Whole Foods Thanksgiving selections…

When your t.v. asks you stupid questions. If you don’t know me by now, you will never never never know me (David Brent version)

And speaking of ridiculous videos, I have been messing around in GarageBand while homebound, trying to figure out how to get accordion tracks on it. So I made a music video for my first quick project. It’s dumb, but I don’t care. I’m dumb about the right things.