Red Velvet & A Beach Picnic
May 11, 2019

Sometimes people expect you to make a batch, and so you do, dutifully but no less lovingly. And sometimes you get a satisfaction by using, finally, some of the applesauce you had to buy when you last made the recipe. I hate to have jars lying about, staring at me uselessly as I open the refrigerator.
And you’ll make the red velvet discernibly red, unlike if you were making them for yourself.

Heck, use the gumdrops you needed for the bunny cake. Because you’ll never think to yourself, “I want to eat a gum drop.” And take a picture of the whole gang, your 12-person entourage. You’re happy to show your love times 12. Ok, 11–I always eat one.

11. Like the girl from Stranger Things. If I made a cookbook of cupcakes I’d name it 11.

The pretty China comes out.

Did I mention the cream cheese frosting? Sublime.

Anyway, so my friend’s dog stole a cupcake from the counter. I might feel good about his enjoying it, but he’d like enjoy eating the liner just as much as the cake.

Thai picnic on the beach. I never want to be away from the ocean.
Coney Island in the distance

Summer’s coming, but for now, our feet are freezing in the water.