Pantry Turnover Chocolate Chip Cookies
January 4, 2019

An ideal Pantry Turnover recipe allows you to utilize several lingering pantry items… without having to buy anything new. When I saw Chocolate-covered Kate’s cookie recipe, I immediately thought of the items I would incorporate into its traditional base. I thought of what I could turnover.
First, flour. After scoring the most wonderful 51″ mid-century modern rotating shelf that is, in essence, a life size Lazy Susan, I reorganized all my baking ingredients, uncovering a jar of mystery flour. Was it gluten free? Was it all-purpose overflow from earlier in the year? Was it bread flour? Who knew?! But I decided I’d cut all-purpose flour with whatever the mystery flour was to whittle it down until it no longer confused me. Turnover 1.
Then, chocolate chips. I had just a small amount of real chocolate chips to add to this batter. But I had a lot of these chocolate covered almonds I received from last month’s Vegan Cuts box. So I halved those and added them to replace the chocolate chips I didn’t have. Then, cacao nibs. Because I have had them all year… possibly 2 years… and they need to be purged already. Turnover 2 and 3.

Next, sugar. I only used granulated sugar for the recipe since I didn’t have light brown sugar… and I forgot to add the molasses I intended to add. No real turnover here, but there’s me not running out and buying brown sugar. Proactive turnover? Does that count?

I used a ravioli maker to make them uniform. Completely unnecessary, but I wanted to try it. I made a double batch and froze a ton of it, hoping to use my freezer for more than the week’s compost. That’s also very New Year-ish. Efficiency means more couch time!

I also wanted to try taking a picture through the oven door. Ok, it works. Duly noted.

Yummy time. Now to practice restraint.