Outtakes From Flight Attendant Reserve

Yay, I am in a cemetery! So while on short call reserve I get to explore this city. It’s like an extended vacation kind of. But I am pretty much always alone, which is peaceful until the times it is lonely. But then I go to bed and I have Read more…

Pow Pow, Vegan Eats in DC

Washington Dc has so much vegan food I have to try! Having to start somewhere, I chose Pow Pow because an intentionally vegan eatery gives me so much freedom and excitement. But there is that pressure… what to order which disallows me to order something else I want. It’s high Read more…

National Museum of Asian Art, Washington DC {Pictorial}

Renwick Gallery, Washington DC

Having a whole week on reserve with no flying time was a bit frustrating.  You’re tethered and always at a level of anxiety knowing at any moment you may get a call.  But I decided to not sit around and wait when I could be exploring Washington DC’s many tourist Read more…

Something Old, Something New for Breakfast: Gregorys Coffee & Bubbie’s

When I saw Gregorys Coffee logo, I knew I had to stop in.  It reminds me of Brooklyn! And I knew I could get a sweet and vegan treat while sipping on my cappuccino.  When I saw that Bubbie’s had a “vegan salmon roe” topping for their bagel with housemate Read more…

Portrait of an Old Friend

When you start having friends that you’ve known for several decades, you know you are old—and with that all the stuff that experience brings: insight, wisdom, humility, joy on the sweet end of that pact.   It’s true that you are aging right along with those around you, in a Read more…

Back at Sticky Fingers Vegan Bakery

Sticky Fingers was one of the first all-vegan bakeries I ever knew.  When I first visited in 2009, it was a special visit.  Now in 2024, living less than a mile from it, it was again a special visit.  And I got the exact cupcake I had gotten before.  Now Read more…

Old Friends at Rock Creek Cemetery

I knew as I settled into part-time living in Washington DC that a visit to Rock Creek Cemetery wouldn’t be far off.  Having spent some time searching its grounds years ago, I spent this visit not looking for something new but saying high to those monuments That had taken my Read more…

The Strong Museum: The National Museum of Play 🎮 👾 🎲

I have been meaning to blog about this museum, The Strong Museum, for quite some time. It honors the past time of play and houses a comprehensive and thorough archive of artifacts–toys! It is a special place that captures magic on so many levels. I highly recommend spending the day Read more…

“Date Morning” At Voula’s Greek Sweets

So Date Night is a thing, but how about Date Morning? The food is better; you’re drinking a stimulant as opposed to a depressant; and the start of the day you get the true form, stripped of the illusions of night. I’m all for it! We hit up Voula’s Greek Read more…

Ah, How I Have Missed Baking

I knew I had to bake when I was home. It is something I have dearly missed throughout the last several weeks of this new nomadic lifestyle. And I also had a batch of this fudgy chocolate frosting in the freezer from my Easter cake back in March. So a Read more…

Long Time, No Chili!

After seeing how my guy was eating while I was gone, we decided to hit up the Rochester Public Market for some fresh ingredients as soon as possible. It was alive in the early morn, in its rhythm and shuffle. He said he missed my chili, so chili he’d soon Read more…

What’s Ur Scoop in Rochester, NY

What’s Ur Scoop? is one of those old fashioned ice cream joints that detects the unofficial start of summer by the length of its line. On this particular beautiful Saturday night, beaming with early summer feels, I partook in that measure… and was rewarded with an oat milk-based treat. Like Read more…

What is Left of The Government Hospital for the Insane

The first federally owned psychiatric hospital in the U.S., The Government Hospital for the Insane opened in 1855 in Washington DC.  Though the expansive campus is undergoing redevelopment, many buildings remain in a state of decay–awaiting their turn for repurposing. And like the many historic large and overcrowded psychiatric complexes Read more…

Short Call Reserve in DCA, Part 1

As I adjust to my erratic schedule as a reserve flight attendant, some sites and eats close enough to the airport to explore. Being “on reserve” is the dues a new FA has to pay: several months, possibly more, of being on-call… 14 blocks of time, 5 days a week. Read more…

Taking in the DC Sights

Finally, a day to see the DC monuments again! I have a few days off. 🙂 And I picked up some very special visitors to hit National Mall with… The Washington Monument The Vietnam Memorial Lincoln from afar Lincoln Monument The White House Getting cheesy The Korean War Memorial is Read more…

An Abandoned Renaissance Faire Village {Pictorial}

The Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia

One of the prettiest cemeteries I’ve been in quite some time, The Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia, established in 1847, spans 135 acres. Home to many gorgeous pieces of funerary art, it was well worth the stop. Like no other, you can’t be replaced Loved this stark white monument She’s Read more…

Richmond, Virginia Misc

I’m just going to put these pics here. Yes, the weekend I decide to explore Virginia and not go home the Northern Lights show up intensely in Rochester. Argh! My regret is potent and not diminishing. 🙁 But yeah, this was a really good veggie burger from Fresca on Addison Read more…

DC Vegan in Washington DC

After I earned my Flight Attendant wings, I treated myself to some indulgence by way of delicious eats and treats from DC Vegan. Ah, I have been craving sweets so badly! So I would indulge. Italian cookies are a long time favorite. I remember when I was in high school Read more…

The Beautiful Highland Park in Spring, Rochester, New York

A Taste Of Home

Scenes from a brief stay at home… A smoothie bowl of course She tells me what to do The tulips continue to pop! Blackberry pancakes Szechaun Opera

Vegan Flight Attendant Training, Week 4 Outtakes

And I am done! Finally! Some last shots of my time in Charlotte before I pack up and head back to Rochester. I checked out Mike’s Vegan Grill because I was craving a veggie burger… This is the Carolina Burger: A Hawaiian bun, homemade chili, vegan American cheese, coleslaw, diced Read more…

Mattie’s Diner, Charlotte, North Carolina

What’s better than an old fashioned diner that is actually an expat from New Jersey? Well, an old fashioned diner that is actually an expat from New Jersey with a ton of vegan options–that’s what! Though Sunday is a very busy day for any diner, it would be very busy Read more…

Pepperbox Doughnuts in Charlotte, North Carolina

Before heading to the animal sanctuary, some delicious vegan doughnuts from Pepperbox Doughnuts! Located in the very cute NoDa neighborhood, these were the best looking vegan doughnuts I peeped in Charlotte. They were all-vegan, except for one flavor that had honey in it. The problem would be making a decision–how Read more…

Changing Hearts Farm Sanctuary in Shelby, North Carolina {Pictorial}