Our Careless Stomp
April 3, 2020

Our dismissal of the balance of nature has a tremendous impact–on the Earth, on countless species. But so often suffering is hidden from view. So often we are content to turn a blind eye to the devastating impact of our daily choices, prioritizing our comforts and fancies over the lives of innocent sentient beings.
Then sometimes it hits you… and you can’t turn away. Like a 28 foot baby humpback whale on a Queens beach on an afternoon in March. Though these pictures, all taken by The Greek, are hard to look at. I am sharing them to remind you that what you do matters, the values you live by can enrich the world, contribute to the world. Or you can do the bullshit society wants you to do.

It is often vessel strikes that cause whale beachings. The manmade world vs. the natural world.

The whale was buried on the beach the next day.

I don’t know that I could have handled see this in real life. But it serves a point that a thousand of my words can’t. If you can spare the dough, you can adopt a whale, choosing a unique whale by its fluke. I learned in Alaska that each has a distinct fluke.