New Vegan Girl Scout Cookie Alert
February 15, 2021

When it comes to vegan Girl Scout cookie availability, Jim Morrison was correct when he sang, “The west is best.” Now I don’t know what is going on with the east coast bakery, Little Brownie Bakers, but they need to get with the program! As I have previously reported only Girls Scouts’ west coast, bakery ABC Bakers, seems to understand the demand for vegan cookies, now offering 5 vegan varieties! While the east coast only has one… the worst one… The Thin Mint–reminiscent of sneaking a piece of chocolate after you’ve brushed your teeth, it is hardly delicious!
And this report showcases their new vegan cookie, the Toast-Yay. But don’t let the word “baker” or “bakery” fool you into believing something other than machines made these cookies. These cookies are straight-up nostalgic guilty pleasure–to their waxy coatings, their sky-high sweetness level, unsustainable ingredients (palm oil central!), added flavorings and other processed stuff, they taste just like the cookies of my youth… Keebler comes to mind.

Ok, I got the s’mores too, because I am thinking of using them as a garnish in a batch of s’mores cupcakes. I do love to make s’mores cakes. Can I say s’more any s’more?

That coat of chocolate

Hardly marshmallow, but I get it.

Here are the Toast-Yay‘s. They’re supposed to be like French toast cookies and boy did the smell of French toast waft my way when I opened them! Perhaps I will make French toast cupcakes too! They’re were good, in that naughty way I described above. Good because they remind you of when a cookie might be the best thing that happened to you all day. And your Mom paid for them all. And you got to have the most out of all your siblings because you were stealthy like that. Of course I was the only one of the four of us that used to melt butter and sugar together on the stove top and eat it with a spoon.

Yay for new vegan options, Girl Scouts!

Previous reports: