Long Island Farm Colony
Some More Time at Kings Park State Hospital
December 14, 2020

With time to kill on Long Island’s North Shore, a quick stop at The Kings Park State Hospital. In writing up my last visit, I was floored by how much of the campus I had yet to discover. The mission of this visit, squeezed in before the early winter sunset, was preliminary exterior exploration of the structures I hadn’t looked at during any other visit, the structures across Old Dock Road. And, in general, checking out the ever-shifting entry points and other going’s on–like the new asphalt trails that make exploring even easier! Or perhaps it’s winter’s killing of the greenery? Either way, here are the new shots of what is turning out to be my most favorite spot to explore on Long Island.

Buildings 41, 42, 43: Patient Wards 101-108, 109-122, and 123-128; Kitchen & Dining Rooms

Door was “wide” open, but I hadn’t the time this visit.

Nice overgrowth. These structures are bordered by residential homes. Hearing children playing took the edge off of walking blindly about for the first time.

Always like to check up on the towering Building 93… I love what the kids did to the exterior–shows effort and planning!

And the Power Plant, Building 29, was open again.

Hope to return soon while things look very accessible.
Interesting glimpse inside.