January Miscellany
January 16, 2023

How is the first month of 2023 half over already? It’s been a hectic year thus far… but that is good! How has you first few weeks been?!
Taking down the holidays is always an organizational project. Because somehow I always have more to pack away than I’ve unpacked. It looks so gorgeous all together.

I’ve been trying new vegan wines. This is my new favorite, Kumusha‘s Sauvignon Blanc.

New Years wreath is still up. I plan on making a new Valentine’s Day wreath as I have given my old one to my parents.

A quick bite from the Ikea cafe, because I always find myself at Ikea in January. Really yummy and really cheap! I totally thought Ikea was a great date spot before 500 Days of Summer.

Giving blood again… because I got the good stuff. Do you know the street value of blood from a vegan of 25 years?

A quick visit to Central Park while my guy was in town on a field trip with his son! It was a magical hour.

The amazing vegan chocolate chip cookie from Yardsale is still rocking my world.

Every time I see this mural now I feel bad for the many folks still living in fear, still drinking the Kool aid, still ignorant of how the wool has been pulled over their eyes. Then I walk on with my bad self.

Kind of love this new spot by me, Ruzana. They’ve got a great falafel combo for cheap and super quick delivery.

The old Valentine’s wreath now at my parents!

Thrift store sunglasses while out an about

Just an abandoned mini golf course in Delaware after I got there to realize the rest of the old amusement park I wanted to photograph was now an Amazon fulfillment center. Kind of a bummer when things like that happen.

Still looks pretty cool

Got this amazing 5-vinyl set of Hawaiian tunes. Slowly getting ready to do my 50th state.

More weird things I get from thrifting. This is size 8XL. I thought I would sew it up a little, but once I put it on, it was so darn comfortable. I need a shirt like this some days…