Into the Desert Wilderness🌵
Some Scenes from Bisbee, Arizona
February 22, 2023

Very close to the Mexican border, within the Mule Mountains, is Bisbee, Arizona, a historic mining town with a charming downtown filled with galleries and eateries. It was a bit of a strenuous drive south as the weather had grown very chilly with wild whipping winds. What I presumed to be just mountain tempestuousness was, in fact, a huge nation-wide news story. Snow was hitting the west, while at home in New York City, unseasonably high temperatures. Though I did not learn this until battling through blizzard conditions the following day, only to be halted because of Interstate 40 closing in both directions. But that is tomorrow. First, today.
Wild Horses… couldn’t drag me away

Pretty Bisbee from afar and up high.

In the center of town, the Queen Mine. The Queen Mine is a copper mine that made Bisbee a boom town in the late 1800’s.

Some pretty shots of the impressive mine, its tones and textures.