Giving Thanks, Part III:
November 27, 2009

I am thankful to survive, and thrive, through the love and support of friends.
Thanksgiving plans changed drastically at the last minute due to reasons a trained psychologist will need to help me understand. Luckily, I was able to find a place to feast. Here are the highlights:
CP‘s almond pignoli cookies. With a hefty bite of almond paste, these Italian delicacies hit the spot.

My Brooklyn vs. Boston Cream Pie cupcakes from VCTOTW were delish! I piped them full of Soyatoo from my score last weekend.

But since I am the kinda person who loves the insides of things, here it is.

My bountiful plate including roasted kombucha squash, potatoes, canned corn, Swiss chard and chick pea frittata/quiche/tart, sweet potato mash with ground nuts and lotsa agave and roasted daikon, acorn squash and shallots.

Not the most flattering picture of the Swiss chard and chick pea frittata/quiche/tart.

Kombucha squash, spread-eagle

Shallots and green onion. Bless the five pungent spices!