Food Love {Never Eat Your Heart Out} {Half Kidding}
May 11, 2010

See this food? I have eaten it and it has helped me to move from here to there to have me here typing this to you. See it? I put it in my mouth and chewed. Yeah, so what but: Have you ever paid attention to this process? Followed a bite from one side of your tongue to the other? Tasting texture. Mastication. This is no dirty word. Food touches our insides and all over, giving energy all about its path, starting first at our mouth. What else in the world to we ingest? Like fully and in abundance? Allowing it in. Allowing it everywhere. How is this not a big deal?
Tempeh roll at Dragonfly.
Sweet & sour seitan lunch special @ Em.
The Sag @ Bone Shakers.
All I could eat at Outback Steakhouse, on 5th grade class trip to DC.
Roasted veg sandwich @ the International Spy Museum in DC.
A big ass salad in the cafeteria of the Capitol Building in DC.
Pad Thai lunch special with summer roll and veggie dumpling @ Pad Thai.