February’s Pancakes πŸ₯ž

Pancake Day has many names: Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, um Pancake Day. Marking the onset of the Lent, this day is a celebration of animal-rich eats and general debauchery (i.e. Mardi Gras) before abstinence and penance begins.

Animal-rich eats aside for many years, for me pancakes are a special part of my food awakening. When I was a little girl, I occasionally made pancakes for my family. Aunt Jemima, just add water style. (I also used to make the morning coffee for my parents and loved making Betty Crocker blueberry muffins with the can of wet blueberries.) Though this was followed by a huge span of time of not doing anything in the kitchen but microwaving stuff, my pancake making endeavors were the earliest of my food ventures. I remember enjoying the act and, separately, enjoying doing something for others. And this is how it is today, still.

But pancakes for one are very much indeed fun 🎢 Especially a large haul to utilize fresh cashew milk made for you by a colleague.

I’m a really good pancake maker. And I’d need some on-hand for easy breakfast for lunch or dinner as another school break rears its head.

Sometimes I make a small friend for the a pancake. Then I eat the friend.

Pancakes up!

Several quick meals squared away. Done & done!

How about a couple now? Yes. Go make some for yourself and use this amazingly easy and perfect recipe.